Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 17

This is basic communication about stating the objective and subjective to someone to resolve a problem

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 16

balancing the subjective and objective views of reality. i think i tend to be objective when im stuffing my feelings and on my own im overly subjective.

Day 15

speaking my truth and avoiding sarcasm.not adding anymore throat chakra crap to clog it up. this is hard for me. im a pleaser. i can speak my truth on paper but not so well out of my mouth.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 14

Advanced bingo. I found this really hard. so be aware 5 times a day what is predominant amongst the seven categories. and then try to change it so you see things through another category. Im often very emotional. and its hard to turn it around. i dont feel true to myself but then staying in my emotions is often a huge issue for me. i get stuck.

Day 13

Playing inner bingo. So being aware what is predominant. mind body spirit, intellect, emotions, environment, soul. I didnt like this one. Dont know why I Had resistance. 5 times a day to stop and see which one im in.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 12

Soul Day. Doing stuff for the soul today. I love movies, think i will watch one in the middle of this monday lol

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 11

This is spiritual awareness day. This one made me cry. This is a prayer day to say when you want to offer help like most empaths do and then drag all the crap in that persons aura back to themselves. THis is a prayer of help and for disconnecting.

Day 10

Got a bit skewiff here. Day 9 should have been Intellect day. naming your thoughts. Today should have been emotions day.
missed out a few days because i had to clean my carpets.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 9

Well today is about naming your emotions as a way to bring you back to yourself. Good day for me to do that because we've had 8 earthquakes so far since 6am and its only 2pm. and sizeable ones to wake us up or have to decide if we should run for the door.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 8

Well Ive taken a day off between, I started this exercise yesterday and it so spun me into repressed energy I spent the day healing that. Amazing stuff. What got me was pulling back from supporting others with my energy and had so much fear come up because thats what I did for my kids so they would feel safe and so that I could be safe.
Todays lesson is about mindfulness. A good way to pull back to myself and off others.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 7

Body day. I will rub my fingers together when I notice Im getting too much into listening, thinking about or directing energy towards someone else, to remind myself I am here too. To focus back on me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 6

This one I had to read a few times. Then I got it. That we all had to be potty trained so we all have the ability to turn it on and off. Staying in the off position until we want to turn on.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 talks about how you do an empath merge. And bring back someone elses stuff into your aura.
There is a prayer to say 3 times to help release yourself. I do this after every reading and a few other times in the day.

had a huge reaction to yesterdays exercise. Coming back to myself brought up so much self hate. I wrote about it in my blog at

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4

This is about empathic hitch hiking. I know I do this so fast I dont even know I do it. Its also part of how I do readings. What I didn't know is that I can drag stuff back from that person to my aura.
This exercise is more quality time being aware of my consciousness.
Just reread it again, I have to spend time being conscious of ME. I notice how aware I am of me in relation to other things usually. Me in relation to my kids, the dog, cats, the day, what im reading, who im interacting with. I am aware of myself but usually its when some sort of symptom forces me back to take notice.
Im aware when i come back to myself how angry I am.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 3

To be aware of my consciousness. Thats pretty easy to do, I work in that area anyway and I take time out 3 times a day anyway to do a relaxation.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2

Well I had to identify via questions what empath I am. No wonder I feel so much. I'm:
Emotional oneness
Emotional intuition
Environmental empath
Animal empath
Intellectual empath
Physical empath
Selfish empath
Spiritual intuition
Spiritual oneness
Plant empath
Mechanical empath
Crystal empath

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 1

Ok I have to find role models of people who are deeply aware of other people but are still confident, meaning they feel as if they are the most important person in the room for themselves.
Well first person that comes to mind is my friend Anna Conlan. Shes an empath and uses it in her work as an intuitive and healer. I know Anna feels things deeply but she has worked on her empath side and doesn't get thrown off centre by people like she used to. So I see her maintaining her confidence.
The second person who is my role model is my friend Red. She is a psychotherapist and healer and even though I'm not sure if technically shes an empath, I know she picks up alot about people but she is able to manage it so that it doesn't throw her off centre. I'm sure when shes in a room she feels like she's the most important person in the room. So she will be my role model.
Now I don't spend as much time with these people as I would like to, being so exhausted but in the dealings I do have Im sure I can observe more about what they do.
I just asked my friend Red if she was an empath and this is what she said
"Yea, I'm an empath.... I do that. . I always see myself as being a part of the other person and the other person being a part of me, and also know that I'm separate and that it belongs to them. If that explains it? When I watch somebody getting hurt on TV, I feel it, but it passes through me, I feel it when somebody tells me about how they've hurt themselve if they've had a cut or surgery and I feel the sensation, but not the pain and it passes through me. I think the bit that helps is letting it pass through like water in a river flowing through and leaving. I don't know how that happens, just that it does.
I don't believe its necessary to be deeply aware of the other people in the room, only the one I'm talking with at the time and when I've finished talking to let it pass through and then meet the next person. Taking on just one person at a time and blocking out the others apart from periphally doesn't take energy.
I dont think I do that at all but Im hoping to by the end of 30 days.

Where Im at now with being empathic

Well I think up until now the only way Ive coped with bein empathic is to have walls up around me. Those are coming down because of other healing Im doing but now I feel like anyone could walk right through me. Admittedly alot of that could be my adrenal fatigue. If youre interested in reading my journey to heal my adrenals you can visit
I also avoid totally now all malls,and public places where there's crowds. Im grateful that my sons aren't HSP like me and one son works in a supermarket lol
As a psychic/healer it puts alot of pressure on me in a session to be dealing with the empathic side so it doesnt sabotage me. I use that side of me to pick up info but I have noticed the longer Ive been doing readings the worse I have been at managing the empathic side of me.
Coupled with living with alot of undesirable people as flatmates and the earthquakes which affect me alot. Im flat as.
So I can only improv from here on in. Would dearly love to be able to afford sessions with Rose Rosetree but I suppose this way I have to do the work myself.

My blog

I've decided to document my journey doing Rose Rosetree's 30 day plan for Empath Empowerment in her book Become The Most Important Person In The Room. Although Ive read this book and had it a while, my unskilled empath side is getting worse and worse and now I am suffering adrenal fatigue. Of course its not all because of that, I live in Christchurch, NZ and we have had 4500 earthquakes in 4 months. Being a highly sensitive person thats affected me greatly.
I read in Rose's book, Empowered by Empathy, that theres a correlation between being an unskilled empath and adrenal fatigue. I am a psychic healer so my natural inclination during readings is to open up. If anything I need to learn how to close down.
This is my journey.